There are many agencies in Oregon and the surrounding region which provide additional services and amenities to those who work in our community. The Oregon Chamber of Commerce provides networking and professional development to those interested in promoting opportunities in our town as well as to improve their own business practices. Service clubs such as Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus, Lions, and Rotary are active and exist for those who seek to engage with the community and to meet others with common business, work and social interests.
Because of our unique position geographically, residents of Oregon also enjoy resident tuition at four different Community Colleges in the area: Highland, Rock Valley, Kishwuakee, and Sauk Valley. Each of these colleges provide adult learning and work force training, ensuring that employees have the opportunities to improve their skills to keep ahead of the changing demands in the workplace.
And for those looking for employment or job search support, the Business Employment Skills Team, Inc. (BEST, Inc.) has its regional office in Oregon. This is a non-profit agency that administers federally-funded programs such as Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA). The focus is assisting adults and youth gain meaningful employment through training, job search assistance and work experience.